Here are some of the ways you can work with me

Ready to Rise

Online Course & Group Coaching Program

The online course that will give you the tools and coaching support to build the business you've been dreaming of!

Get the training and traction you need to reshape your business to be more aligned to your lifestyle and ready for the next stage of growth!

Now is your time to increase business knowledge, implement systems and structure so you can grow your business without burning out!

Plus have Donna Hann at your fingertips, as your accountability coach! 


Soaring to Success

The Membership for Regional Business Women

A powerful online membership for time poor business owners, which offers everything you need to get BIG results and drive your business beyond what you thought was possible!

Get FULL access to a netflix style library of recorded sessions, plus live monthly sessions with Donna Hann and guest experts including masterclasses, online networking, strategic planning sessions, templates to help you grow your business and confidence. 

Plus be part of our exclusive community, filled with supportive, ambitious business women just like you!


Business & Mindset Coaching

1:1 Private coaching

What would it be like to have heightened levels of clarity, confidence, an aligned strategy and an action plan to fast track your business goals and live a fully charged life?

Combining years of regional business experience with the methodology and practices of high performance, Donna will guide you to accelerate your business and master your mindset.

If that's what you are looking for, Donna offers a limited number of 1:1 coaching packages for ambitious and savvy service based businesses. 



If you are ready to re-align your business with what you truly want but you're unsure of what's the best option for you

Let's chat about how I can help you and your business