Donna Hann
Hello, lovely, it's Donna here your business buddy. Welcome to another episode of the shoes in business podcast. I am excited to have this conversation with you here today. And I know it doesn't probably seem like it for you. But for me, it's been a while since I sat down to record a podcast. Typically I batch a whole bunch of episodes together, and they go off to be edited, and then the team and I schedule them out. And it's been about four weeks since I've been in podcast batching mode. And I've got to tell you, I'm feeling a whole lot different, because there has been a lot, and I mean, a lot of change happening around me lately. If you follow me on Instagram, I've been sharing a little bit of what's been happening on the home front. So we've been working through a whole house renovation, which has really disrupted our normal family life. And obviously, you know, it's in the for a good reason, the end result will be absolutely amazing. But our family hasn't really had normality for the past sort of four weeks. And that's going to continue for the next four to six weeks. And whilst we've been having, like walls removed, and windows and doors replaced, and we've got no kitchen and no bathrooms, we've got very limited electricity that is currently live at our place. You know, it's been challenging.
But amidst all of that, in the middle of all of that, I felt like it was time to level up. And I know that that might sound strange. But whilst the living walls pull down and all our belongings were being packed up in boxes, and you know, our family of four were all sleeping in the living room. It may seem strange for you to hear that I felt like it was the right time to dive into a full coaching certification training week. I don't know whether I you know, you've seen through Instagram that, like my office was completely stripped, it still is stripped, I'm sitting in it at the moment recording on concrete floors. You know, there's there's no furniture in here other than my desk, and a bedside lamp, because they don't have electricity in here for ceiling lights. Like it's a little crazy, right. And whilst all that was going on, I decided it was time to step into this training opportunity.
And it was run by Brendon Burchard. And he is based in the US. So that meant on top of everything else that was kind of crazy in our life. I committed to starting training at 1am. And finishing up around eight 8:30am depending on you know how the training was running. So yes, it was crazy. And you can call me crazy. I called myself crazy. Many times because waking up at Crazy o clock to immerse myself in a full on certification program. It It does sound crazy, but it was so good. It was absolutely incredible. And the time flew by. I was energized and inspired. And you know, that's the thing about leveling up with training and learning. It's inspiring, it's energizing. And as business owners, we need to do that to stay motivated. And to stay at the top of our game. It's really important. And what I know to be true from my life experience, and from the experience that I've had in running multiple businesses, and also working in the online industry in that space, is that there's no perfect time ever to do big things.
There's no perfect time ever to do big things. And when an opportunity drops in front of you, and you know that it's the right opportunity for you. You can feel it in your gut, then it's just about making it work. And I would rather push through a degree of uncomfortable, you know that discomfort for a little bit of time in order for me to then have an incredible level up. And so getting up at 1am working through the night doing that in what felt was utter chaos with the renovations that were happening around me. You know, working without ceiling lights and having a bedside lamp on my table in my makeshift shift office, making coffee outside in my backyard. extra shift kitchen and just taking imperfect action, I would rather that then let that opportunity pass me by. I would rather level up, even in times when maybe it the others, it was like why would you put yourself through that. But for me, I knew the outcome was going to be so so worth it. The outcome for me the outcome for my current clients, and also the outcome for my future clients, I knew it would all be worth it. So yes, I took some time to consider consider whether it was the right decision. And should I wait, and is it the right time, and maybe I should wait till the next round that they offer it. But in the end, I was like, No, I'm jumping in and doing this. And I am so glad that I did. And I'm really excited to share with you today to give you some context around what high performance coaching certification is, and why I felt so incredibly drawn to do it.
So first of all, this was an opportunity to learn from the best in the coaching space. So Brendon Burchard, is known as the most watched the most quoted, most followed motivational speaker in the world. And he founded the High Performance Academy. And you may have read his best selling books, I think he's got three or four of them. One of them that most people know his most recent release was high performance habits. And he's worked with top level athletes, well known celebrities, he shared this the stage with a Dalai Lama and Richard Branson, and Tim Ferriss, and Tony Robbins, and many other leading influences of this area, and been titled by like Forbes, and the New York Times as the number one high performance coach in the world. So over four really powerful days, in fact, nights for me, Brendan taught his high performance coaching program and his process. And through that whole experience, there was roleplay, after roleplay, to put us into the process to, you know, take what we were learning and put it into practice, followed by feedback and critical improvement suggestions. And when I tell you, it was intense, there were like the most smallest breaks for water and bathroom and food and stuff like that. It was intense, condensed learning, focus learning and focus implementation. And I gotta tell you, I learned so much, which in combination with the experience as a business owner, and in combination with the previous experience that I have in the leadership and development and training space, and also with my work that I currently do as a business coach, it has lifted my level, like 200, 300% It's been incredible.
And I also got to meet some amazing inspiring people from all over the world, who are now my peers, and part of my circle as a business coach. So it was amazing. I think I've said that word like, I don't know how many times already. But it was, it was amazing. And, you know, I think I should also share with you that this process, the commitment to doing this level up was a pretty huge investment. And I'm a huge believer in investing in personal and professional growth in training, the things that you need to level up all the time. And I've always invested considerable amounts into my business budget for learning and development, because I'm really passionate about education. And I'm really passionate about mindset growth, to things that I think every business owner should value. It's also why I do what I do. Because I know if I level up, I know if I invest in me and the level of training that I have, and if I can invest in my own learning and my own growth and my own development. I can then pass all of that on to you onto my clients. It can be right here in this podcast whilst you're listening. It can be inside my online programs, or it can be in the one on one coaching space.
As I believe so much in personal and professional development that not only do I love to work in the space of that, and share my knowledge and experience and support and guide you in your business journey, but I also know that I have to do that for myself as well. So I practice what I preach. And you might be wondering, like, why is it that you love coaching so much? What is it about business coaching that lights me up? Well, I get to have deep level conversations that have the power to change people's lives. And helping business owners to shift their perspective, from ruminating on insecurities and blocks, and feeling really bogged down in the nitty gritty, that runs wild in their head, to instead having conversations that develop clear objectives, and drive higher performance and results. That's, for me, that's where the magic is. That's where the magic is. And following a process that is backed by science, following a process that is backed by research, and with that, combined with my experience as a business owner and living that life, and starting and growing three really successful businesses and selling those on, I know what it takes, I know what it takes. And my purpose is to share the beautiful combination that I find myself with, have the knowledge of the experience of this expert training as a certified high performance coach, and share that with as many women as possible. And I also understand that the power of holding space for others, is critical. Because at our core, as a human being, our desire is to be understood. Our desire is to be recognized and valued and appreciated.
And maybe you don't have someone who can hold that kind of space for you, you don't have someone who can hold that kind of space for you, and understand really, what it's like to be a business owner and juggle raising a family, and also somewhere in their value and honor your own well being, that's tough. But I do, I can hold that space for you. And, you know, 100%, I can support you, in raising your ambition, in tapping into the potential that you know is there to go bigger. And to do it in a way that doesn't have you burning out in the process. And also hold space for you to allow you to dream. You know, that's really important. And I think sometimes we're too scared to voice what our dreams are to other people for fear that maybe we might fail. And then they might know. Or just because maybe in the culture in which you find yourself, like here in Australia, sometimes people that have big dreams get pulled back down, you know. And so I am all about holding space for you to raise your ambition to tap into the bigger potential that you know you have and that you know your business has. And to know that if you want to go bigger if you want to get better at what you do to make that okay to want those things. Because it is okay to want those things. It really is. And you need to give yourself permission to think big to get curious to try new things. And by doing that, we can then go to new levels.
As a business coach, I get to ask the tough questions sometimes that lead to challenging people's thinking, to understand their perceptions and to help them grow to unlock those breakthrough moments, and to make massive waves of momentum. And to me, that's really exciting. And, you know, I just I don't understand how other people might not find that exciting to me, that is so exciting. And if you've never had a business coach, you know, where you get the feedback, you get the guidance, you get the clarity and you get that personal power so that you can be the best version of yourself in your business, as a leader in your marriage as a mother in your friendships, because that's the thing a high performance coach gives you the tools and drives you beyond not just, you know what's happening on the business front, but also in creating a big, beautiful life. And that's the power of coaching. That's the power. And that's why I believe in it so much.
And the new coaching program that I'll be releasing in a few months time is for regional service base women who find themselves in the messy middle of business growth. Maybe you've been in business for a few years, you've worked through the startup phase, you've built your business to a point that has you excited for what's next, the potential for growth, and the potential for scalability, it's there and you can feel it. Yet, maybe also, you're feeling that the wheels are a little, or maybe a lot wobbly. And you feel that something maybe is gonna give, if you want that growth, if you want that scalability, you're thinking, well, I can't have that. Because if I go down that path, maybe the wheels might fall off. And you you know, you don't want to compromise your relationships, or your personal health, or maybe even the business itself. And that's where I come in.
So as a certified high performance business coach, I will empower you with the clarity, the energy, the productivity, that mindset to work through that messy middle phase, I'm the one person that will hold space for you to really open up about what's truly happening for you. And for your business in a confidential space, a judgment free space, because I get the juggling act that you play every day as a mum in business, because that's my life to write, I'll guide you to finding the answers that you need to get to that next level in a way that's congruent with your core values, your dreams, and you know, your big life responsibilities because, like, let's be real.
As a mum in business, there are big responsibilities that we carry on our shoulders, we've got this invisible backpack, that can get really, really heavy, because you know, stuff just gets put in there all the time with a pack horse for our family. And we're carrying our business as the leader of our business, we've got a lot of responsibilities that we carry on our shoulders. And so it can be really hard to show up in all areas of your life with the energy in the presence that you wish you could, you know you want to, and you've got really good true intentions of doing that. But the reality is a different story. And as your high performance coach, I can help you to make a shift. I can help you to transform and it is a process and it's a beautiful journey. And my goal is to help you to reach heightened levels of clarity and energy, and courage and productivity and influence to help you to march towards a successful, healthy, fully charged life. And to get you there, we first need to know where you're at. And so the process starts by discussing the major arenas of your life, from your health to your finances, and your relationships, and what habits are supporting or hurting your progress and your performance. And then from there, we start to work through the remainder of the 12 sessions, the first of which is clarity. So the most important of all the topics in the high performance arena realm is the first session. The world's highest performers have remarkable clarity for who they are, how they treat others, their life principles, their practices, the things that keep them progressing and performing at their very best. Then we move through a session on energy, understanding how much energy you have each day, and how you can amplify it to bring a higher level of energy to your life so that you can have the vibrancy and the stamina needed to achieve your goals, to live that fully charged life that you know that you can have. Next we move into courage so we discuss where you've been confident and courageous.
Where you may be holding yourself back where maybe you're backing down in some situations and not stepping forward with courage and through scientifically backed research. We know that high performers act calm righteously, in facing their challenges and chasing their dreams. And I personally feel that as a business owner, we have to be courageous every day. Because we put ourselves out there every day, there's risk to our reputation, there's financial risk, and it takes guts, it takes courage. And so that's why it's really important that we cover that, in, in our sessions, productivity comes next.
So after we've discovered how productive and effective you are, at this moment in time, then I'm going to provide you with a set of tools and concepts that will help you to quickly and easily improve those areas. Again, it's another incredibly important topic for high performance business owners. And I know that when I've experienced a big leap in productivity, it's through changing my habits, you know, and adopting these concepts. And the results have been just awesome. So you know, I can't wait to share some of these things with you, if you are listening to this going, this is what I need.
Session Six is shaped around influence. So this is where we think about becoming and how can we become more influential in your space in your industry. And influence means different things to different people. So to me, influence means the way that you can immediately make a positive difference to relationships, in your career, as a business owner, the way that you respected as an expert as the go to in your local industry, or your local area, and I'm sure you can probably think of someone in your life, whether it's someone that's in your life now, or maybe someone who was really influential to you, as you were growing up, who helped you to become the person that you are today. And maybe you've got moments where you know, you have felt that you've made an influential change, you've made a positive difference to somebody else, maybe even a transformation for someone else, be that your kids be that an employee that works for you, maybe a peer or a friend, you know, I see influence as helping others be the best version of themselves, I see it as an opportunity to role model, I see it as an opportunity to teach and to challenge those around us to live a beautiful, full life. And, you know, we're all surrounded by opportunities to make a difference. And when you've got the tools, and the concepts and the self awareness, that's where the magic happens. And that's just a bit of an overview of the first six sessions.
There are 12 sessions, jam packed with deep discussion, self reflection tools, concepts, and powerful personal and professional growth opportunities. So I think it's pretty clear, you can see why I am so pumped. And so excited to be releasing this high performance coaching program in the next couple of months, you know, helping you to succeed beyond normal standards, consistently, over time, without long term success, whilst maintaining positive relationships and well being that that is truly transformational. And for me, that's what it's all about. You know, think about it, having the stamina, to do the work. Having that sense of well being, that you have the stamina to do the work and to build the business that you've dreaming that you've been dreaming of, to really grow and scale that that's transformational, having the people and the relationships that you deserve to have in your life, to really have that beautiful, rich life. And to also have that ongoing feeling of joy and confidence to live a full life. That's what it's all about. For me. High Performance living is the ongoing feeling of full engagement, of joy of confidence. And that comes from consistently living from your best self from a place of joy. And you can move through the messy middle of business and into the next stage of your business and your life. joyously. Joy needs to be a priority because joy sustains the journey. It sustains the journey you need to have joy As a priority in the work and the life that you have. So there's just so much power in this. And I'm trying to convey the amount of power that's behind this whole new coaching program that I'm going to be releasing into the world into the next couple of months.
And it's just about, you know, the other thing about this that I love is it's helping you to have that true sense of confidence, which will always be a work in progress as you continue to level up, because confidence is the belief in yourself, and your ability to figure things out. And high performers, we know they ask themselves. And they continually work towards having a growth mindset of learning, and sharing and challenging what's required to be of higher service. So I'm sharing this with you today, because I know that there will be people listening, that need exactly what I'm describing to you that I'm going to be providing really soon. And if you've ever struggled to show up as your best, when it really counted the most. If you've ever stayed like stared at your weak and wondered how the heck you're going to get it all done, where are you going to fit it all in. And you know, have you ever struggled to find your voice to positively influence the people around you, as a leader within your business, either be you know, at work or at home. And if you've ever felt that you are a productive person, but right now you're finding it hard to know what you want. And so you don't work as hard as you need to. Like I get that. And these are all issues that come up from time to time. And listen, if you've been struggling with any of those types of things, you and I know that reading books and looking for answers in Instagram and listening to TED talks or listening to podcasts, you and I both know that you could keep struggling with these things and keep trying to learn from those different resources that are out there, which is great, by the way.
But if you haven't changed yet, you're not yet at the level that you know you can be. And it's not because you're not capable. It's because you've never had a coach, you've never been in the process of High Performance Coaching. You haven't yet experienced the power of coaching. And you haven't had those opportunities where there's a coach, that's not just giving you feedback, they're giving you guidance and clarity and personal power, so that you can be the best in your business, you can get that business into shape, move it out of that messy middle, you can apply it to your marriage, you can apply it to your parenting, you can apply it to your finances and your friendships to have that big, beautiful life. The issue is that you've been doing it alone. You're learning at your speed, and you're not learning at the speed that's required of you to go to the next level. Because it's not that you're not a good learner. It's because you need somebody who occasionally gives you a bit of a kick, kick up the butt, who holds you accountable, who helps you to figure out exactly what you need to do. who's been there, who's done that, and who can guide you. Just like I've guided many business owners to become extraordinarily successful people on their business journey. You know, the real issue here is many people have never had the gift and the power of coaching of High Performance Coaching. You know, we've stepped into a new era, the world has shifted recently, and I'm sure that you can feel that there's been a bit of an energy shift. And it's been shifting for, you know, the last couple of years, we really were thrown into the messiness of COVID, and the fallout of all of those sorts of things. And now more than ever, as the world is shifting again, and we're hearing talks of recession and all of this kind of stuff. You need to be on your A game as a business owner. And I know that sometimes it can feel exhausting and frustrating to know that you have the ambition and you have the potential and you have the talent, but you feel like you're on that hamster wheel, and maybe the wheels are wobbling and maybe burnouts on the horizon.
You know, but that doesn't have to be your journey. It doesn't have to be that. So if you're listening to this podcast and you're thinking that this new coaching package issue that I've been talking about is for you. Or if you'd like to have a direct conversation with me one on one to find out more about it, to see whether it's right for you, then you can hit me up with a DM, you can send me an email, send an email to my team at Hello at Donna We'll put it in the show notes. And let's get you set up with a free strategy session a 60 minute session to work through. If this coaching program is right for you, you've got the option to choose if you'd like to work with me for an accelerated 12 weeks. Or if you'd prefer to space out over 12 months, we can talk more about that when you reach out to me. At the beginning, I said I would give you some tips for high performance habits.
And whilst recording the episode, I've kind of decided that instead of trying to squeeze them in to this episode, I really want to do them justice. And so I'm going to make a podcast mini series for you as an introduction to the impact that you can have on your own progress as a business owner, and in the greater area of life as well. So I want you to stay tuned for that mini series that I'm going to put together that's going to be coming up really soon. But I hope that this episode has got you thinking, Are you a high performer? Maybe you feel like you are but you need some support in really stepping in to the potential of being a high performer for your business. So I hope that that's got you thinking, I hope it's got you excited. I hope it's maybe got you a little inspired and maybe a little hungry to know what else is out there and how you can work with me. So that's a wrap for today. Thanks so much again for tuning in. And I look forward to chatting with you again soon. Bye