She's in Business

She's in Business

Hosted by: Donna Hann

If you’re ready to discover what it truly takes to grow your business and your mindset beyond what you thought possible, then you’re going to enjoy this podcast! This is the She’s in Business podcast, the place for...


Ep 125 - Build Your Authority and Your Brand with Free PR with Liz Nable

Season #4

I chat with Liz Nable about her journey from starting an unknown fitness franchise in Australia to building it into a million dollar business through leveraging her media skills and free PR. Liz shares her accidental...
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Ep 124 - Choosing The Ideal Website Platform For Your Business with Charley Ulale

Season #4

This week we're talking all things websites! I discuss the importance of measuring website metrics like traffic, bounce rate, time on site and conversions over time with my guest Charley Ulale. We explore how...
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Ep 122 - Success Is Your Responsibility

Season #4

I'm diving into the importance of personal responsibility and accountability for business success. I'll also be sharing insights on cultivating a growth mindset, embracing challenges, and celebrating progress. Episode...
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Ep 121 - Maximising Time and Energy for Business Growth

Season #4

In this episode, I'm digging into some of the most common challenges with time management and lack of energy that business owners face. I'm giving you actionable strategies for effective time planning, prioritising...
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Ep 120 - Regional Networking Secrets: How to build powerful connections when you're not in a major city

Season #4

I'm sharing my top tips for regional businesswomen to build powerful connections and grow their business through networking. I discuss strategies for overcoming geographical barriers through online networking and...
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Ep 119 - Building Your Personal Brand with Claire Miles

Season #4

I'm delighted to be interviewing photographer and personal branding expert Claire Miles. Claire shares her journey of pivoting her photography business during COVID and opening her own studio space. She discusses the...
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Ep118 - Remove Your Blocks To Success with Self Coaching Questions

Season #4

I'm sharing a powerful coaching technique to help listeners overcome limiting beliefs like "I'm not good enough" that could be holding you back in business. Through thought-provoking questions, you'll be guided to...
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Ep 117 - Marketing for Regional Businesses with Erika McInernie

Season #4

I'm sitting down with regional marketing expert Erika McInerney to discuss leveraging social media platforms specifically for small businesses in rural areas. Erika shares over 20 years of experience helping regional...
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Ep116 - Backing yourself; If not now...When?? Featuring Belinda Moss & Louise Parker

Season #4

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing two founding members of The Regional Business Women's membership program to discuss their business journeys and the value of community. Louise Parker from CVs by Louise...
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Ep 115 - All The Social Secrets! With Maree Sortino

Season #4

This week I'm interviewing social media expert Maree Sortino to discuss the latest social media strategies and tips for regional business owners. Maree shares insights on creating engaging video content, using...
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Ep 114 - Triple the Impact of Your Brand Marketing with Three Simple Steps

Season #4

In this episode, I'm sharing my Top 3 tips on how regional business owners can triple the impact of their brand marketing. I discuss the importance of taking a holistic approach to brand marketing that considers both...
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Ep 113 - Your Money Story.. is it holding you back from charging your worth? with Erin Davis

Season #4

I'm sitting down with financial empowerment coach Erin Davis to discuss the importance of understanding your business finances. Erin shares practical tools for reading financial reports and overcoming self-doubt. We...
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