Ready To Rise

Get the essential skills & strategies to build a profitable business, that works for you, your life style and your bank balance.


Ready To Rise

The online program helping entrepreneurial Mums learn essential business strategies, reclaim their purpose and create a healthy work-life blend.


What would your life look like if you could create your ideal work-life blend and thrive as a business owner in just 8 weeks?

You've taken the leap into running your own business and now you are ready to step into your potential and shift your business to the next level. But how?

You're probably feeling exhausted from working your butt off, juggling the kids and the thought of doing more could tip you over the edge. And yet...at the same time, you've got a burning desire to grow your business and make an even bigger impact!

I hear you, lovely - and I've been deep in those trenches too. 

Over the years, I've built a children's party business, an online retail store and a multi-6 figure dance studio that ran without me 80% of the time - and I sold it for an amazing profit.

And I'll help you to do the same in the Ready to Rise program

Imagine feeling energised, confident and empowered with a plan and the skills to intentionally grow your business in alignment with your family lifestyle. The result is you thriving as a profitable business owner and having a valuable business for future saleability. 

I know I can support you to build what you want - but you've got to be willing to show up and do the work.

Time is a luxury we don't have, so why wait to redesign your business so that it works for you, your lifestyle and your bank balance.  Let's take imperfect action together.

It's time to embrace the amazing opportunities that are waiting for you!

Are you ready?


Hands up if this is you...

You wish you had a better plan for reaching your business goals

 You want to grow your business to the next level but you're unsure how or where to start

✓ You're frustrated by the unproductive loop you're caught in

 You're overwhelmed by the juggle of business & family responsibilities (self care.. who has time for that!?)

✓ You're ready to leave burnout behind and get your mojo back 



Then stop waiting to feel 'ready' and take action

I'll be your biggest cheerleader (high kicks and jazz hands included!)


Imagine how it would feel to...

I'm ready for this



Ready to Rise

A 8 week program (with extended access) where you'll learn the essential business skills for shaping your ideal business and lifestyle, with the added support of a business coach and a community of like-minded women. 

Step into your potential as a thriving business owner.


Hello Freedom.

What started out as a passion project turned business idea was supposed to bring you freedom right?

You set out to earn some cash, work around the kids, to be available to your family..but it hasn't turned out that way.

A growing business bursting with potential can be re-shaped to deliver you the success you dream of.. around your life and family, not in place of it.

Hello Dollars.

You're working your butt off, but where's all the money? It's beyond frustrating!

When you get crystal clear on your purpose and goals, double down on the things that move the needle towards your vision, you can make an incredible difference to your bottom line profit.

Get the business knowledge and strategies you need today, whilst growing your financial independence.

Hello You.

Do you miss your old self? She was happy, carefree and full of energy

Right now, the idea of digging yourself free from under that enormous pile of responsibility and emotional load seems impossible.

Self care, understanding your stress triggers and honouring your worth can make the difference between the life you dream of .. and the life you have now.

You only get one life, it's time to live it!


I bet you started with a vision of working school hours, earning great money, having your ‘own thing’ with your business?

At the start it was invigorating and exciting, but somewhere along the way juggling it all has become heavy and draining. 

Does this sound like your life right now?

👉🏼You’re squeezing in work at every chance you get (sleep, what's that?) burnout is tapping you on the shoulder

👉🏼The Mum fails have been rolling in along with the guilt... kids are having way too much screen time, the fridge is empty and the washing pile resembles Mt Everest. 

👉🏼You feel stuck, overwhelmed and frustrated by the daily hustle, yet determined not to give up

👉🏼You want more time for yourself

👉🏼You're tired of going it alone, and crave a community of 'doers' to inspire and support you to achieve your goal

If this is your daily struggle then... you belong in Ready to Rise 

Donna Hann


Being a Mum shouldn’t mean that your talents for other things get shelved or disregarded. It’s easy to put everyone else's needs before your own, but when that burning desire to grow your business has no off switch... It’s time to listen and take action! 

BUT (here’s the catch) whilst juggling a business around the needs of your family there is a tendency to slip into overwhelm and burn out, which can have negative effects on your health and relationships. My mission is to help women find time for themselves, dial down overwhelm and avoid burnout by sharing business education training, facilitating business coaching and by building an online support network.

I'm so confident that you’ll love being a part of Ready to Rise that if you don’t get MASSIVE VALUE in the first 14 days, you can cancel and we’ll refund you.

But… I’m pretty sure this course will transform your business and give you the balance you want, so get ready!

What is covered in the course?

Here's how it shakes out

EVERYTHING to take you from overwhelmed, frustrated and on the road to burnout to business savvy, energised and fulfilled. 

Module 1 Clarity over Chaos

Get clear and define your business vision, values, superpowers and weaknesses.

Module 2 Dream go-getter

Yes you can! Setting goals for greatness and over coming fears

Module 3 Business Pillars of Success

Shape the customer experience, sales funnels, revenue streams, time saving systems, healthy finances and your team culture

Module 4 Planning for Greatness

Techniques for 3 year, 12 month, 90 day and weekly planning. Optimise productivity and time management with new strategies.

Module 5 Branding Brilliance

A deep dive into branding anatomy, strategy and building your brand strength.

Module 6 Marketing Magic

Learn the art of online and offline marketing and become to 'go to' in your industry


Module 7 Managing the nest

Communicating with your family, outsourcing and organising the home and managing the invisible load


Module 8 It all comes down to you

Explore the 5 areas of self care Start new habits to reenergise, rejuvenate and  shine up your sparkle.


Small Group Coaching Sessions

With weekly group coaching sessions, Donna will guide you through each module, motivate you implement the action steps and help you get unstuck 


Private Facebook Course Members Group

Be supported and guided by Donna on your learning journey, and be inspired and empowered by other women on the journey with you.


You're also going to get access to

The Ready to Rise program is everything to take you from overwhelmed, frustrated and on the road to business burnout to savvy, energised and fulfilled.

I can support you, help fast track your success, challenge you (I know, scary!), hold you accountable and surround you with a group of the ambitious, driven women who have got your back.

It’s a self-paced business accelerator program with the added bonus of business coach (that's me) at your fingertips to guide and support you!

You’ll emerge with the tools you need to carve out time to develop a deep unwavering connection with your family, time to feed your soul needs (including rest and rejuvenation) and build a profitable (saleable) business that serves your core values and continues to fill your cup year after year.

It's time to unlock your potential and unleash your business!

In Ready to Rise you can expect to;

  • Learn the business systems, strategies and frameworks that will transform your business growth and make a bigger impact without burning you out
  • Discover why muddling through without structure, purpose and direction is the worst way to grow your business and the fastest way to burn out...and the simple things you need to do instead to save time and become more productive. 
  • Infuse highly effective tools to increase ease and flow into your business and lifestyle.. Align savvy business skills with self care knowledge and step into a new version of you
  • You'll emerge with the unshakable confidence and knowledge to shape the profitable business you’ve been dreaming of 

Program facilitation includes;

  • 24/7 ACCESS TO COURSE CONTENT access anytime on desktop or mobile, via Kajabi. Listen in the car on your daily walk, watch them at your desk or on the couch (or in bed!)
  • 8 MODULES DELIVERED VIA VIDEO LESSONS and worksheets for self paced learning (Value $997)
  • KICK OFF SESSION & COMPLETION PLAN I'll help you to get set up with a plan to manage your time and complete the program (Value $97)
  • PRINTED WORKBOOK I'll send you an easy to follow workbook along with a few other goodies (Value $47)
  • BONUS 8 x GROUP COACHING SESSIONS As your business coach, I'll guide you through each module, motivate you to implement the action steps and provide support on the things you need. (Value $797)
  • BONUS ACCESS TIME You'll get a bonus 4 weeks of access time (total of 12 weeks) to the course content, so that you can revisit the lessons and also because I know life happens and you need the flexibility of time to make the most of your investment ($97 value)
  • BONUS LIFETIME ACCESS TO PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP You don't have to feel alone in business anymore. Connect with successful and ambitious go-getters and our expert team in our intimate, non-judgemental space. (Invaluable..who could put a price on that!?)


If you are looking for the opportunity to create the business you've been dreaming of, you're in the right place!

 Doors to the Ready to Rise program are currently closed whilst we work with the current cohort of women in the program.

Join the waitlist to get the bonus inclusions when we open the next round. 



3 Monthly payments

  • 24/7 access to Ready to Rise 8 week online course (valued at $1997)
  • Printed workbook & welcome pack (valued at $47)
  • Kick Off Session & Completion Plan (valued at $97)
  • BONUS 8x WEEKLY GROUP COACHING SESSIONS with Donna (valued at $797)
  • BONUS ACCESS TIME TO ONLINE MODULES Get an extra 4 weeks access to online course content (12 weeks total)



Pay in full & save

  • 24/7 access to Ready to Rise 8 week online course (valued at $1997)
  • Printed workbook & welcome pack (valued at $47)
  • Kick Off Session & Completion Plan (valued at $97)
  • BONUS 8x WEEKLY GROUP COACHING SESSIONS with Donna (valued at $797)
  • BONUS ACCESS TIME TO ONLINE MODULES Get an extra 4 weeks access to online course content (12 weeks total)



Accelerate your business

  • 24/7 access to Ready to Rise 8 week online course (valued at $1997)
  • Printed workbook & welcome pack (valued at $47)
  • Kick Off Session & Completion Plan (valued at $97)
  • BONUS 8x WEEKLY GROUP COACHING SESSIONS with Donna (valued at $797)
  • BONUS ACCESS TIME TO ONLINE MODULES Get an extra 4 weeks access to online course content (12 weeks total)
  • PLUS A 1:1 PRIVATE COACHING SESSION (valued at $497)

You may know me from ...

Awards & Recognition...

Is this for me?

Who it's for...

  • For women who have an established business and you need to reshape your vision and reenergise momentum
  • For women new to business who want to get it right the first time, avoid costly mistakes and build business confidence.
  • For women who often feel overwhelmed by not having enough hours in the day to complete their never ending to-do list (both for business & family responsibilities)
  • For doers and action takers who are ready to extend their knowledge of business strategy and have the discipline to put it into practice. 
  • For women who are wanting to leverage freedom within their business, so that they can choose to spend quality time with family, friends and have time to themselves to rest, recover and rejuvenate.
  • For women who value the importance of self care, but never seem to be able to make it a reality
  • For Mum’s in business who want a better work-life blend. Have a kick ass career and a connected family life

Who it's not for...

  • Women who aren’t prepared to do the work or eager to learn and put strategies into practice
  • High level business women, already earning super big bucks and running efficiently
  • Blokes (no offense, but this one is for the girls!)

Let’s take care of you, your family and your business

Get the tools you need today!


Here is what our clients are saying...


 Investing in myself & my business's future has been a crucial & beneficial part of moving the needle forward in making my dreams become a reality

I joined the Ready to Rise program feeling absolutely lost with little to no direction of where I wanted my business to go or how to get it there in such a saturated market.

I was burnt out, I had no balance between business & family and self-care was non-existent. I was at a crossroads.

Now, I have clarity & look forward to taking my business to the next level. 

Hayley - Melibugz Handmade

I joined the program with 1 client and now I’m almost booked out!

I joined the Ready to Rise program to build my confidence as a new business owner. I felt that I needed the support to ask all the questions and I wanted to make sure I was creating a business that I could have a work-life blend with because I have 2 small children and I just didn’t know how to do that.

I was also feeling a little bit lost. My business was set up, I thought I had it all ready but I still didn’t know how to grow it. I joined the program with 1 client and now I’m almost booked out! 

It’s amazing program, I’m so glad I jumped in and joined

Madison Ashe Virtual Assistant

Do you know your potential but still have a few problems...

Overwhelm = You're feeling under skilled, lacking confidence, letting people down (family/customers), feeling alone and unsupported. You can’t switch off, overthinking, always busy/never fully present. 

Transform to being clear on what triggers overwhelm/fears for you and letting them go, regain a sense of control (you run the business, not it running you), build a business by design where you have the power, confidence and skills to shape the business you truly desire. Access an online supportive community of like minded women, a sounding board to ease your overwhelm share your ideas, challenges and wins.

Lack of clarity = You're making sacrifices to build a business that isn’t returning the financial rewards you thought it would. You're feeling unsure of what to do to make a bigger impact and more money. You feel like your business has so much potential, you're doing all the things yet nothing seems to be working. You wish you could make more profit to make up for the sacrifices. 

Transform to knowing who your ideal customer is, having clear goals and firm understanding of what will drive increased revenue and profitability. Structure your business around the things you enjoy, the stuff that lights you up and brings you joy truly serves your core values. Shape a heart centred business that continues to fill your cup year after year.

Lack of time/energy = You're feeling like a bad mum/partner never present or fully in the moment, headed for burnout, losing yourself as an individual. You're spread so thin, letting down family and customers. It feels like no matter how hard you work the juggle never gets easier and you never move forward. You're constantly feeling exhausted in trying to keep your family going and grow the business. You feel frustrated by never having enough hours in the day. 

Transform to getting really clear on what to work on to move the needle and become super productive. Lift the burden of mum guilt, feel energised, supported and inspired. Shape a business that satisfies your ambition and deep purpose. Take advantage of the freedom that business ownership brings to be really connected to your family and be in the present moment. To have the freedom and time to be a great entrepreneur and mum/partner.

Self doubt/imposter/ joy suck = You're feeling that maybe you’re not made to be a business owner, that you’re not good enough and completely out of your league. You look at other women in business who seem to have it all together, love what they do and you wonder how they do it. You feel constantly overwhelmed and stretched, there’s not enough profit for all the effort you put in. 

Transform to learning how others do it and taking action to implement it, build solid revenue streams and watch your revenue and profit rise, you'll see business growth without working more hours, let go of fears that cause overwhelm. You'll feel supported and uplifted by other women who are on the same journey as you, feel confident and enjoy a sense of achievement. You can stand side by side with successful women in business, feel proud and inspire others to be just like you.

Let's shape your business to become profitable, systemised and highly productive! 

Together, we'll create a business that lights you up, brings added freedom to spend more quality time with your loved ones, do the things that fill your cup and allows space for rest, recovery and rejuvenation! 

What you'll get from the Program?

What you’ll learn on the business aspect - 

  • We’ll dive deep into your business goals, aspirations and shape your vision for the future. You’ll get clarity to leverage your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll unpack and understand your core values and reasons for being in business, so that you can strengthen your business and ensure it is travelling in the direction you want it to go.
  • We’ll be exploring long and short term plans and overcoming any fears and anxiety standing in your way, setting you up to feel inspired and empowered to smash your goals. 
  • I’ll share my 12 month, 90 day and weekly planners with you and you’ll learn how to plan for greatness and high level success, so that your business grows to six figures. You’ll get laser clear on how to magnetize your ideal customer with a carefully constructed brand experience. 
  • You’ll create and implement a customer experience that is frictionless and overflowing with positive feedback which will grow your reputation to the next level. 
  • You’ll understand the importance of tracking and managing your business finances, I’ll share some tools with you for mastering your budget and cash flow, so that there is more money in your bank account.

What you’ll learn on the personal aspect - 

  • We’ll delve into developing a growth mindset for managing your business and family, and setting boundaries for preventing burnout. You’ll get to know your stress triggers and how to manage them, to transform you into feeling calm and balanced.
  • You’ll explore ways to communicate more effectively with your family, ask for more support, and I’ll share hacks to establish a more organised home.
  • We’ll highlight the importance of honouring yourself as a savvy and talented woman, to fill your bucket with the things that light you up (guilt-free). To take regular rest to recharge and rejuvenate your creativity and energy.

Ready to Rise is designed to provide you with the blueprint to fast track you towards the business you’ve been dreaming of, by focusing on the things that will get you there! If you find yourself wondering ‘How do other women do it?’, I’m here to share the knowledge and skills I’ve acquired, the mistakes I’ve made and lessons I’ve learned.

Ready to Rise is not just about online training, it’s also about the tribe of women, just like you, who are inspirational, supportive and ready to step up on this journey with you to help you reach your goals.

It's time to put both feet in and level up your business!

 Doors to the Ready to Rise program are currently closed whilst we work with the current cohort of women in the program.

Join the waitlist to get the bonus inclusions when we open the next round.



3 Monthly payments

  • 24/7 access to Ready to Rise 8 week online course (valued at $1997)
  • Printed workbook & welcome pack (valued at $47)
  • Kick Off Session & Completion Plan (valued at $97)
  • BONUS 8x WEEKLY GROUP COACHING SESSIONS with Donna (valued at $797)
  • BONUS ACCESS TIME TO ONLINE MODULES Get an extra 4 weeks access to online course content (12 weeks total)



Pay in full & save

  • 24/7 access to Ready to Rise 8 week online course (valued at $1997)
  • Printed workbook & welcome pack (valued at $47)
  • Kick Off Session & Completion Plan (valued at $97)
  • BONUS 8x WEEKLY GROUP COACHING SESSIONS with Donna (valued at $797)
  • BONUS ACCESS TIME TO ONLINE MODULES Get an extra 4 weeks access to online course content (12 weeks total)



Accelerate your business

  • 24/7 access to Ready to Rise 8 week online course (valued at $1997)
  • Printed workbook & welcome pack (valued at $47)
  • Kick Off Session & Completion Plan (valued at $97)
  • BONUS 8x WEEKLY GROUP COACHING SESSIONS with Donna (valued at $797)
  • BONUS ACCESS TIME TO ONLINE MODULES Get an extra 4 weeks access to online course content (12 weeks total)
  • PLUS A 1:1 PRIVATE COACHING SESSION (valued at $497)

The results speak for themselves


"I honestly can’t believe how far I’ve come as a business owner and how much has changed for the better in my business"

I joined the Ready to Rise course as I was feeling overwhelmed with all of the things all of the time. I had not clear plan for the direction I was wanting to head.

After diving deep into parts of the course, my direction and business goals became clear and I ticked off a big business goal during the course after pushing aside some mental blocks that for absolutely no reason were holding me back.

The results from achieving this goal has seen my business sales increase quite a bit in the last few weeks so now I’ve decided to continue on in the Ready to Rise community and re-do the course again, as a different person from when I first started 12 weeks ago.

As I sit here thinking back to 12 weeks ago, I honestly can’t believe how far I’ve come as a business owner and how much has changed for the better in my business.

Ellice - Serao Pretties

Step by step over 12 weeks, I’ve come leaps and bounds and finally opened my business. 

I joined Ready to Rise as I’d been working on an idea to start up a coffee and dessert business but I felt completely overwhelmed. I had all these ideas, I had the coffee van but I had no idea what I was doing. Step by step over 12 weeks, I’ve come leaps and bounds and finally opened my business. 

The program kept me accountable and having the Ready to Rise group for support has been amazing!

The skills I have learnt and still learning are an absolute asset to both myself, my family and new business. If you are looking for a business coach that is real, down to earth, is a mum that has business experience, then Donna is the lady for you.

Lianna - Hygge Yeppoon


You're covered by our guarantee

If you dive in and within 14 days we can see that you've done the work, but you feel you haven't seen results, we'll give you your money back. 

I am that confident that if you show up, go all in and follow the program, you'll have massive results! 

I've upskilled with...

Learn more about me

I’m married to Troy, and Mum to our two boys Levi and Rix. We live in sunny seaside town in regional Queensland and love to travel in our caravan whenever we can. 

I’m a free spirit with a creative flair. The need to be grounded by nature (the beach is my happy place), creative with art (painting is my meditation) and physically active (dance is where my soul breathes) Being grounded is a continuous ache that if left unattended becomes suffocating. And so I’ve learned to take care of myself by pressing the pause button on a regular basis to practice these things, and as a result I’m a better me, a better Mum, a better wife and more successful entrepreneur. 

Other things I love;

  • A great start to the day begins with a hot cup of tea and my gratitude journal 
  • I never say no to almond lattes, double choc TimTams, cocktails and the dance floor
  • I’m a spiritual being... I love crystals, essential oils, I believe in the power of manifestation, and always being kind!
  • I’m always thirsty for personal and professional development!
  • When overseas travel isn’t an option, there's nothing better than hitching up the caravan with my husband and 2 boys for an overland adventure.
  • Thanks to my very enthusiastic petrol head husband, I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and learning to ride an MX bike so I can keep up with our boys and share in their passion to ride fast in the great outdoors!

Want to find out more about growing your business?

I’d love to help you.